Power Frequency Magnetic Field (PFMF)
This test is performed for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to magnetic fields at power frequency.
Flicker Emission
This test involves measuring the voltage fluctuations and flicker impressed on the public low-voltage system from the device under test. Voltage fluctuations and flicker have to be within the limit prescribed by the standards.
Harmonic Emission
This test involves measuring the harmonic currents drawn by the electrical equipments and so maintain the mains voltage quality. The harmonic current has to be within the limit prescribed by the standards.
Radiated Emission
Open Area Test Site – 3M
Conducted Immunity
Single phase up to 16A 3 phase up to 32A
Conducted Emission
Conducted emissions refer to the unintentional electromagnetic signals that are transmitted through conductors, such as wires, cables, or PCB traces, as a result of the operation of an electronic device. These emissions occur when electronic equipment generates electrical noise or interference that can propagate through connected conductive paths. Conducted emissions can occur across a broad […]